
  • Wardrobe Organizing - For Compact Space

    In day to day life, the biggest for one is to keep there spaces and wardrobe decluttered. If you are someone who face the same issue. And would want to do about it, read this.

    How to organize your clothes right from scratch?

    • Segregate in different category: Western / Ethnic / Formal or you can do in this way:-
    1. Daily Wear
    2. Office Wear
    3. Home Gatherings and temple visits
    4. Weddings & Festive Wear
    5. Outing with friends 
    6. Vacation Wear - what you wear when you go out for a vacation
  • Handloom & It's Significance In India

    What is handloom?          Handloom is a traditional method which uses machine for weaving cloth that is operated by hand; the machine is called 'K...
  • Sustainable Fashion - The Future

    We are now in an era where we are creating man-made change to nature. “Sustainable Fashion is not a trend, but the future” are good thoughts put by Antonia Boehlke, founder of Mochni.

    Fast fashion thrives only because we have been
    supporting it. If you think you are a fast fashion consumer, try to divert yourself into sustainable one by adopting measures like don’t buy clothes at all by taking proper care and simple repair techniques to the existing ones. Let’s believe in Gandhiji’s words ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ and start making the same which will help in a good sustainable future.